Home > PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services > Advanced Configurations

PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 06-04-23   |   Updated date: 18-04-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.1  |   API version: 78

Advanced Configurations

Below is the list of advanced configurations of the extension.

Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘Advanced Parameters’ section:

  • Logging Verbosity: Allows to set the verbosity level of var/logs/mastercard.log.
  • Everything: This option logs everything related to the error when it occurs (Like: API Response/status, errors, warning, etc.).
  • Errors and Warning Only: This option logs only errors and warning messages when the error occurs.
  • Errors Only: This is the default option, which only logs errors.
  • Disabled: Nothing will be logged when an error occurs.
  • Gateway Order ID Prefix: In case one Merchant ID is used by multiple installations, then the ‘Gateway Order ID Prefix’ can be used to add a prefix to order IDs so that they will not conflict in the gateway. The default state is blank.
  • Custom Webhook Endpoint: This is mostly used by development or with some complex web server rules, where the URL is not automatically detected correctly.

Note: It is suggested to keep all these fields with the assigned default value. If required, then do required configuration changes based on your needs but first consult your Technical team / Mastercard Payment Gateway Module support for these.

  • Click on the Save button to save the changes made in the ‘Advanced Parameters’ section.