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PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 06-04-23   |   Updated date: 18-04-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.1  |   API version: 78

Back-office Operations

In the Hosted Checkout Integration of the Mastercard Payment Gateway Service module, when the ‘Authorize’ payment method is selected, it’s important to note that funds need to be manually captured or refunded.


Capture Funds

Capture Payment is used to process transactions and transfer order funds into the merchant’s account.
When accessing the ‘Order Detail’ page, selecting the Capture Payment button initiates the transaction processing, resulting in the transfer of the order amount to the merchant’s account.

Upon clicking the Capture Payment button, the page will load, and a success message will be displayed. Subsequently, the order status will be updated to ‘Payment Accept’.


Void Authorization

Void Authorization is used to cancel an order if a merchant finds any fraud/suspect in that order.
When accessing the ‘Order Detail’ page, clicking the Void Authorization button will automatically cancel the order.

The order amount will be refunded to the user’s card if the payment has been captured.


Refund Payment

A Refund is initiated when the merchant decides to return the funds to the cardholder, effectively canceling the order.

Under the ‘Order Detail’ page, clicking on the Full Refund button will send back the full amount captured for that order to the cardholder.

On the ‘Order Detail’ page, initiating a Partial Refund by clicking the button will return a portion of the captured amount for that order to the cardholder.

To restock the ordered product, you’ll need to initiate the PrestaShop refund process in addition to the Mastercard Payment Gateway module’s refund procedure.

Steps for initiating Partial Refund:

  • Navigate to the order for which the payment has been captured and requires a refund.
  • Access the respective order detail page.
  • Locate the Partial Refund button, which enables the merchant to refund the captured amount for that specific order.
  • Upon clicking the Partial Refund button, you can proceed to refund a portion of the amount to the user