Home > PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services > Integration Methods > Hosted Checkout

PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 06-04-23   |   Updated date: 18-04-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.1  |   SDK version: 78

Hosted Checkout

The ‘Hosted Checkout’ model allows you to collect payment details from your payer through an interaction hosted and displayed by the Mastercard Payment Gateway. With this integration model, you will never view or handle payment details directly because these are collected by the hosted payment interface and submitted from the payer’s browser to the Mastercard Payment Gateway.


Hosted Checkout Integration

In the ‘Payment Method Settings – Hosted Checkout’ section, you can provide the title to be displayed on the front-end checkout page, theme, payment models, etc.

Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘Payment Method Settings – Hosted Checkout’ section:

  • Enabled: Toggle this button as ‘Enabled’  to enable the Hosted Checkout configuration.
  • Title: Enter the text that needs to be displayed in the front-end checkout page/payment method section.
  • Theme: You can apply the effects of the theme on the Mastercard Payment Gateway pop-up.
  • Payment Model: There are two payment flow methods under Hosted Checkout integration: Purchase (Pay) and Authorize.


1. Purchase

If you select ‘Payment Model’ as Purchase, the payment transaction will be done automatically. Once the user has entered the card details and submitted the order, the total order amount will be deducted from the user’s card and automatically transferred to the merchant’s account. It may take some time to reflect the amount into the merchant’s account, but the process will be automatic.

2. Authorize

If you select ‘Payment Model’ as Authorize, the merchant should manually process the transactions and accept the payment amount. The manual process of capturing funds can be done via PrestaShop Admin as well as Merchant’s Mastercard Payment Gateway account login.


  • Checkout Interaction Model: If you have enabled the Integration Model as Hosted Checkout, you can select the  Redirect to Payment page or Embedded option in the drop-down.
  • If you select the Embedded option, embedded elements can be added to an existing site to offer an easy way to take a payment without the need to update the website.
  • If you select the Redirect to Payment Page moves consumers to a Mastercard Hosted Payment Page, which provides more real estate to merchants for branding and customization elements.
Redirect to payment page
  • Click on the Save button to save the changes made in the ‘Payment Method Settings – Hosted Checkout’ section