Home > WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services > Managing Transactions

WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 05-04-23   |   Updated date: 18-04-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.4  |   API version: 78

Managing Transactions

Capture Payment

If transactions have been processed as Authorize Only, they will be settled only when the order has been manually invoiced.
To capture a charge for an authorized payment, navigate to WooCommerce > Orders:

1. Find the order you wish to capture and click to open it.
2. In the Order Actions box, use the dropdown to select Capture Payment.

3. Click the Update button.
The payment will be captured, an order note will be added, and the order status will be set to Completed.


Refunds can be processed through your Orders page. To manually refund an order:
1. Navigate to: WooCommerce > Orders.
2. Select the order to refund.

3. Go to the order summary, and select “Refund”.
4. Specify the quantity of the product(s) to be refunded in the text box(es) that appear for each line item. The refund amount will automatically adjust based on the products refunded. If inventory levels are not managed, you can also enter the Refund amount, without adjusting the product quantity.
5. If the quantities of items are not set when issuing a refund then the order is not marked as refunded and the email that is sent will say “partial refund.”
6. Add refund notes, if desired.
7. Click on “Refund $XX.XX manually”.