Home > WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services > Configuration

WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 05-04-23   |   Updated date: 18-04-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.4  |   API version: 78


Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘Payments’ tab:

  • Enable/Disable: Tick the ‘Enable’ option to enable the extension to use it as your WooCommerce payment method.
  • Title: Enter the text that needs to be displayed in the front-end checkout page/payment method section.
  • Description: Enter the description that needs to be displayed in the front-end checkout page/payment method section.
  • Gateway: Select the gateway instance based on your account region.
  • Custom Gateway Host: Enter the Custom URL. This field will be displayed if you have selected the Gateway Instance as a Custom URL.

Transaction Mode: There are two payment flow methods: Purchase and Authorize.


Transaction Mode

There are two different payment flow methods:

1. Purchase
When you choose ‘Transaction Mode’ as Purchase, transactions will occur automatically. Once users enter their card details and submit an order, the total order amount will be deducted from their card. Subsequently, it will be automatically transferred to the merchant’s account. Although there may be a delay in reflecting the amount in the merchant’s account, the process is entirely automated.
2. Authorize
When you choose ‘Transaction Mode’ as Authorize, the merchant will be required to manually process transactions and accept the payment amount. Capturing funds manually can be accomplished through both the WooCommerce Admin interface and the merchant’s Mastercard Payment Gateway account login.


  • Integration Model: Choose the integration model as either Hosted Checkout or Hosted Session.