Home > Magento 2 – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services > Configuration > Hosted Payment Session Configuration

Magento 2 – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 14-03-23   |   Updated date: 19-04-24   |   Plugin version: 2.3.5  |   SDK version: 73

Hosted Payment Session Configuration

The Hosted Payment Session setup has the same configurations as the Hosted Checkout. Below are the fields that are in addition to those available in Hosted Checkout:

Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘Hosted Payment Session’ section

  • Enable 3-D: Select the security level of the user’s card.

You can select either:

  1. Disabled – The order will be placed after the order and entered card details have been verified.
  2. 3-D Secure – This security level allows payers to authenticate their issuer’s Access Control Server (ACS) by entering a password previously registered with their card issuer. Supported authentication schemes include Mastercard SecureCode™, Verified by Visa™, American Express SafeKey™, J/Secure™, and Diners Club ProtectBuy™.
  3. EMV 3-D Secure (3DS2) – This security level is the new version designed to enhance security in online purchases while providing frictionless checkouts to payers who are considered low-risk by the Access Control Server (ACS). The ACS may determine the risk using the information provided by the merchant, browser fingerprinting, and/or previous interactions with the payer. The ACS subjects the payer to a challenge (for example, entering a PIN) only where additional verification is required to authenticate the payer, thereby providing increased conversion rates. Supported authentication schemes include Mastercard SecureCode™, Verified by Visa™, American Express SafeKey™, Diners Club/Discover ProtectBuy, and JCB J/Secure.
  • Credit Card Verification: Select ‘Yes’ to make the credit card verification required on the Hosted Session workspace
  • Require CCV for tokenized card transactions: Select ‘Yes’ to enable credit card verification for saved cards.
Advanced Configuration

In the Advanced configuration section, you can find information about the current API version utilized by the Mastercard Payment gateway plugin. Additionally, there is a field available to Create Token Request Data, Authorize Request Data, Sale Request Data & Verify Request Data.