Prestashop Mastercard Payment Gateway Service module supports the following list of features:
1. Card Payments
Ability to process credit & debit card Payments.
2. Hosted Payment Method
Allows you to collect payment details from your payer through an interaction hosted and displayed directly through Mastercard.
3. Address Verification Service (AVS)
Address Verification Services is a fraud deterrent service that protects against fraudulent use of cards in non-face-to-face transactions by verifying the cardholder’s billing address. This must first be enabled on a merchant account.
4. Capture Payments
The manual process of capturing funds for the authorized orders can be done via the Backend.
5. Full Refunds
Ability to refund the full transaction amount into the cardholder’s account.
6. Partial Refunds
Ability to refund the partial transaction amount into the cardholder’s account.
7. Void Transaction
Ability to perform a void transaction, specifically for Authorized orders that have not yet been captured and are configured as “Authorize” orders.