Home > Magento 2 – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services > Version Compatibility

Magento 2 – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 14-03-23   |   Updated date: 17-09-24   |   Plugin version: 2.4.0  |   API version: 81

Version Compatibility

The MasterCard Payment Gateway Services Magento extension is compatible with the following Magento platforms:

  • Community/Open Source Edition
  • Enterprise/Commerce/Cloud Edition

As for the version of Magento:

  • Extension’s latest version supports GraphQl and is compatible with Magento version 2.4.6 and 2.4.7

Beginning from version 2.3.6, users with older versions of the module will now have the option to view the version details. The notification will inform them that

A new version (x.x.x) of the module is now available! Please refer to the Release Notes section for information about its compatibility and features.