Home > PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services > General Settings

PrestaShop – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 06-04-23   |   Updated date: 26-11-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.3  |   API version: 84

General Settings

In the ‘General Settings’ section, you can select the mode, merchant ID, API Password,  etc., for your payment gateway.

  • It is important to configure your gateway credentials in TEST mode initially and verify that everything functions properly.
  • Failure to configure the gateway credentials correctly will prevent enabling any of the module’s payment methods.
  • If, for any reason, the gateway credentials are incorrect, a warning will appear at the top of the ‘Configuration’ page.

Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘General Settings’ section:

  • Live Mode: Toggle this button to ‘Enabled’ to configure your merchant credentials to Live mode. Toggle this button to ‘Disabled’ if you want to switch to Test mode. In Test mode, you can check if the payment transactions are working correctly. It is possible to add credentials for the test and live mode simultaneously. Both modes have their credential fields, which you need to fill separately. It allows you to switch between modes without re-entering your credentials every time.
  • API Endpoint: Choose the API endpoint based on your account region.
  • Custom API Endpoint: Enter the Custom API Endpoint. This field will be displayed if you have selected the API Endpoint as Others.
  • Send Line Items: Toggle this option to ‘Disabled’ if you do not want shopping cart data to be sent to MasterCard (this includes product information, grand total, etc.).
  • Test Merchant ID: Enter your test merchant ID.
  • Test API password: Enter the API password from your merchant account.
  • Test Webhook Secret: Enter your test webhook secret from your merchant account.
  1. If you’ve set the ‘Live Mode’ to Disabled, the ‘Test Merchant ID’, ‘Test API Password’, and ‘Test Webhook Secret’ fields will be visible.
  2. Conversely, if you’ve set the ‘Live Mode’ to Enabled, the ‘Merchant ID’, ‘API Password’, and ‘Webhook Secret’ fields will be displayed.
  • Click on the Save button to save the changes made in the ‘General Settings’ section